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  • UPC

    Certificate No : 4979

    Issuing authority : The IAPMO Group

    Organization phone : 909-472-4100

    Institution URL :

    Valid period : 2018/10/1 - 2019/10/30

     IAPMO Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) Certification Mark: The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Shield is applied to products that are certified by IAPMO as complying with BOTH the product’s performance standard AND the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). Applies to all plumbing products, appliances, pipe, fixtures, valves and related products. 

  • AB-1953

    Certificate No : 6318

    Issuing authority : The IAPMO Group

    Organization phone : 909-472-4100

    Institution URL :

    Valid period : 2018/8/1 - 2019/8/31

    California HB AB1953:Dictates that a product has been certified as meeting a weighted average lead content of ≤0.25% when used with respect to thewetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and plumbing fixtures.

  • NSF/ANSI61

    Certificate No : N-4979

    Issuing authority : The IAPMO Group

    Organization phone : 909-472-4100

    Institution URL :

    Valid period : 2018/7/1 - 2019/7/31

    NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Dictates that a product has been certified as meeting leachaterequirements for contaminants (metals and non-metals), as well as the lead free requirements of NSF-372 (Standard 61 text may alternately include "61/9-G").